Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Old Doc Todd"

Another of Jim's popular persona's was "Old Doc Todd" with his patent medicine variety show. This was a favorite at county fairs and campgrounds around the Northwest United States. It was featured at the "End of the Oregon Trail" celebration and the Wenatchee Apple Blossom Festival.

You want to be healthy and well get some of Old Doc Todd's Extravagant Apple Elixir.

(photo: circa 1992)

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Professional Props for Professional Entertainers.

Jim and Carol Todd's "MagiCraft Workshop" built and sold props to professional entertainers as well as local hobby clowns, magicians, and puppeteers. Jim's books on magic, ballooning, and rope tricks inspired thousands. He was a featured lecturer at many conferences and the originator of the "MagiCamps" that got so many kids hooked on entertaining for fun and profit.
Here he is seen demonstrating some of his props to a prospective clown customer. (Circa 1984)
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